NVDLib: NIST National Vulnerability Database API Wrapper

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NVDLib is a Python API wrapper utilizing the REST API provided by NIST for the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).


>>> import nvdlib
>>> r = nvdlib.searchCVE(cveId='CVE-2021-26855')[0]
>>> print(r.v31severity + ' - ' + str(r.v31score))
>>> print(r.descriptions[0].value)
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2021-26412,
CVE-2021-26854, CVE-2021-26857, CVE-2021-26858, CVE-2021-27065, CVE-2021-27078.
>>> print(r.v31vector)

NVDLib is able to pull all data on known CVEs, search the NVD for CVEs or Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) names.


  • Pull data on individual CVEs:
    • CVE ID, description, reference links, CWE

    • CPE applicability statements and optional CPE names

    • CVSS severity scores or metrics

    • CVE publication date

    • CVE modified date

  • Search the NVD for CVEs by:
    • Keywords

    • Publish or modification start/end dates

    • cweID

    • CVSS V2/V3, score, severity, or metrics.

    • CPE match string/virtual match string

    • CPE name

    • US-CERT alerts, KEV Catalog or OVAL

    • Source identifier

    • Vulnerable status

  • Search the NVD for CPE names by:
    • Modification start/End dates

    • Keywords

    • CPE match string.

    • Dump data into objects to be accessible easily as class attributes.

For more information on the NIST NVD API for CPE and CVEs, see the documentation here: https://nvd.nist.gov/developers


NVDLib allows use of an NVD API key to define the delay between requests. NVD recommends sleeping scripts for 6 seconds in between requests. If no API key is provided, NVDLib will sleep for 6 seconds in between requests by default.

Get an API key here (free): https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/request-an-api-key

Version 1 API Documentation (<=0.6.1):


This product uses data from the NVD API but is not endorsed or certified by the NVD.